Why You Should Refer Other MSPs to Print Partner

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When you work with Print Partner, we offer several ways to increase your earnings without increasing your workload.

When you introduce us to a qualified referral prospect, we pay you in the following ways:

  • $500 for the introduction

  • An additional $250 per $25,000 in generated revenue.

  • $100 per desktop printer sold

  • $1,000 per copier sold

  • 5% on their lifetime print allotment

  • Additional earnings on future sales for this client

All of these earnings are produced from very little effort on your part. A quick introduction to a prospect is all we ask - our parent company, Green Office Partner, will handle the rest.

To learn more about the process, read: How to Make Introductions to Print Partner

While you are likely familiar with the program we mentioned above, you may not know about the additional benefits we offer when you refer other MSP partners to us. 

Referring MSPs to our program is another way for our partners to grow their recurring revenue stream. Whether you are an MSP owner, technician, manager, or other type of personnel, we welcome anyone willing to share their business relationships with Print Partner.

And we’ll pay you - yes, YOU, the individual, for your help in growing our program. Not your boss, not the business you work for. If you send us the referral, you get the check.

In this article, we’ll review all the benefits you’ll enjoy when you refer another partner to our program.

Refer Your Friends, Get Paid

If you’ve been scratching your head thinking of ways to earn some extra cash, look no further. Referring your fellow entrepreneurs in the MSP space is an easy way for you to build additional income.

When you refer an MSP to our partner program, we’ll offer you bonuses in two significant ways.

First of all, we offer you $250 after we meet with the first referral they send our way.. It’s our way of saying “thank you” for helping us expand our growing family of partners.

With that initial bonus, we also offer a rolling $1,000 bonus for you for every $100,000 that results from opportunities the MSP sends our way. 

For example, let’s say they send us three deals over the next two years, all for $40K each. Once we close on that third deal, our total from them would be at $120K, and you’d receive your payout of $1,000. Should that same client send us an opportunity the next year for $80K and we close, that would put them at a total of $200K, and you’d receive another $1,000 check.

Should you send us a large enough MSP with opportunities to spare, you could be receiving thousands of dollars in checks for years after the introduction for spending 15 minutes to make the introduction.

Please note that this commission is tracked and rolling over time—it’s not just a one-time hit. So you can expect that commission to recur every five years, in a cycle aligned with the lease expiration and equipment renewal.

Networking is Caring

Beyond the commission you’ll earn, referring MSPs to Print Partner’s program is an excellent way to network with your colleagues and do them a massive favor for free.

If you’ve worked with Print Partner in the past, you know how valuable this relationship can be.

When your friends join our program, we offer three core benefits:

  • Commission: Earn money from introductions, closed deals, and recurring services

  • Protection: We’re one of the few print vendors that do NOT try and compete with MSPs. We’ll protect your business from random print vendors that would otherwise try and poach your clients.

  • Collaborative Support: When your team gets those pesky print support calls that you can’t handle on the first call, send your clients our way and we’ll handle the rest. No more wasting hours of your team’s precious time on troubleshooting copiers.

We offer all of these benefits at no cost to your MSP. In other words, working with us is a no-brainer value-add for any MSP.

With that said, if you want to make friends in the industry and connect with other like-minded entrepreneurs, introducing them to Print Partner is an easy way for you to provide value to them immediately.

Should you be at a conference, convention, business meeting, advisory board meeting, etc. - opening the door for new MSP partners is a quick way to network.

Help Print Partner Grow Our Community

Whether you want to earn additional income or network with other entrepreneurs, introducing partners to Print Partner can have massive benefits.

To get started on referring friends today, click here.

And if you have a new deal to send us, click below!

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